Frequently Asked Questions
When does the hall open?
The hall is open from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm and we are located at 89-19 97th Avenue, Ozone Park, NY 11416. The phone number to the hall is (718) 322-1016 or you can send us an email at
Do I have to call the hall if my address or phone number change?
YES! If you have a change in address, phone number or e-mail address, please call the hall so that we can update your information in the system. It is especially important that we have a current e-mail on file for each member. We send out important notifications about upcoming meetings and annual events, funeral notices, merchandise arrivals and updates to our website. If you are not receiving e-mails from us currently, please call us and let us know.
How much are my union dues?
Local 361 union dues are as follows:
➢ Journeyman – $37.00 per month
➢ Apprentice – $34.00 per month
➢ Honorary – $8.40 per month
➢ Lifetime (over 65) – free
How can I pay my dues?
You can pay your dues by credit card (just call the hall before 1:45 pm if you are making a payment as we close at 2:00 pm every day.) You may also mail in a check or money order, or you can set up autopay. To set up autopay, simply call the hall and provide a valid credit card number and it will be charged on the 1st of each month. If you are on autopay, you will receive your latest dues receipt by email during the first week of the month. If you do not receive it, please call us.
Can I pay with cash?
NO – Cash is no longer accepted at the hall.
What happens if I have not paid my dues in six months?
If you have not paid your dues in six months you will be SUSPENDED.
I received my dues receipt; however my certifications have not been updated on the receipt. What should I do?
To get your certifications added or updated into the system you must call the JAC school- (718) 433-4195.
How do I get three months of free dues?
If you are an Apprentice, Journeyman, or Honorary member, you must pay each month’s dues before the end of the current month, from January through December. If you are paying for the entire year, that payment must be made in January to receive the three months of free dues the following year.
Do I continue paying dues once I retire?
Yes. You need to continue paying dues to be considered an active member, even after you retire. You may also call the hall and see if you are eligible for Honorary or Lifetime status.
How do I apply for Honorary or Lifetime status?
If you are interested in switching and becoming an Honorary or Lifetime Member, please call the hall and we will let you know if you are eligible and mail you the proper form. Please be aware your dues must be current to make the switch and Honorary and Lifetime Members are NOT allowed to vote or run for office.
When are the monthly union meetings?
Local 361 Union Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month at 5:00 PM.
When are scholarship applications due?
If your high school senior is graduating between January 1st and September 1st, the application is due by April 30th of that year. The application is open to the children, stepchildren and adopted children of members of Local 361, who are in good standing. Children of deceased members may also be eligible, and the application can be found on our website. If your child has already been awarded a scholarship, all your child needs to do is submit his/her proof of enrollment, such as a schedule or a bill for the current year to continue receiving it.
When should I call the Fund Office?
If you have any questions about health insurance, vacation or topping out, your pension or annuity loans please call the Fund Office Tel:(212) 684-1586/ Fax: (212) 779-3076. We are the referral hall and do not deal with any of these issues.
How do I shape the hall?
Active members who are looking for work should shape the hall EVERYDAY (as a new list is created daily) in ONE of three ways:
• Go to our website and select the “SHAPE” tab. Fill out the required fields and hit “SUBMIT.”
• Call the hall between 6:30 am – 9:00 am and give us your name and phone number. (Please be aware
that due to the many phone calls we take every morning, we must be quick to take your information over
the phone. We are not hanging up on you.)
• Come down in person and sign-in, in the shape hall.
Where can I purchase Local 361 merchandise?
Local 361 Merchandise, i.e. T-shirts, sweatshirts, hardhats, baseball caps, bandanas etc., can be purchased at the hall (NO CASH). Please check your emails regularly for new item arrivals. If you have any ideas for merchandise, please let us know.